Permanent Hair Reduction

Permanent Laser Hair Reduction
In females, male pattern hair growth over face, chest, back, breasts and tummy is being seen commonly nowadays. The hormonal imbalance like raised testosterone especially because of commonly found polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) may be the main culprit. Moreover there is increase in trend to get rid of excessive hairs even in normal areas like brows, armpits, pubic areas and even face, arms, chest and back in hairy males.
Purpose :-
To get rid of unwanted hairs especially in females
To shape the eyebrows
To get rid of armpit hair / to define the bikini line / pubic hair
To remove hairs in transgender patients (male to female)
To reduce hairs over face, arms, chest and back in hairy males
Duration of Procedure : 15 minutes to 1 hr. depending on number of areas
Anesthesia : Not Required
Longevity of Results : Permanent, though it may need multiple sittings. Need of treatment for existing hormonal imbalance is required.