Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

Non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation
The face shows some of the most visible signs of ageing. Children and young adults have smooth, good textured skin with well defined facial contours due to even distribution of fat and natural attachment of muscles. Over the time, skin begins to wrinkle and sag as a result of age, sun exposure and genetics, giving a much older appearance than you are. This has been attributed to depletion in hyaluronic acid content of the skin as we grow older.
Hyaluronic acid depletion is directly related to:
Decrease in skin’s hydration capacity
Accompanying reduction in cell turnover
Loss of skin elasticity and turgor
Development of fine wrinkles
Thanks to the latest ‘skin identical hyaluronic acid bio revitalization system (IAL system) that rejuvenates the skin to not just look young but stay young too. The latest IAL system and IAL system ACP contain hyaluronic acid with identical properties to skin’s natural hyaluronic acid and
Provide immediate hydration to skin
Improve skin elasticity, texture and turgor
Provide sustained improvement in skin elasticity and turgor
Provide corrective action of facial wrinkles, soft tissue defects and contour deficiencies
Prevent wrinkle formation with maintenance treatment
Raising the native hyaluronic acid to levels similar to those of early adulthood restores optimal physiological skin function. Sustained receptor helps in new vessel formation and elastic fibre development.
Procedure : It is injected like fillers using very fine needle on the desired area either in a crisscross fashion or in a fan shaped manner. It is an outdoor procedure. Initially IAL system is used to hydrate and prime the skin, followed by IAL ACP after a gap of 2 weeks. Maintenance treatment may be needed depending on the skin type
Duration of Procedure : 10 minutes to 30 minutes depending on area
Anesthesia : No anaesthesia is needed. You will feel minimal or no discomfort
Recovery Time : Immediate. Though minimal transient bruising may occur
Longevity of Results : Long lasting however maintenance treatment is needed
Facial Rejuvenation
Aging signs on face can be dramatically halted with combination of certain non-surgical procedures especially for young people. Physiologically it involves raising the native hydration and hyaluronic acid to levels similar to those of early adulthood thus restoring optimal skin function. Anti-aging program combining fat grafting, IAL System along with laser skin rejuvenation leads to skin tightening resulting in youthful, fair and appealing look to the face.
Purpose :
To provide hydration to skin
To provide sustained improvement in skin elasticity, texture and turgor
To correct facial wrinkles, folds and grooves
Procedure : In this scar less procedure, fat is harvested using fine cannula. This fat is processed and injected using a very fine needle in the target area either in a crisscross fashion or in a fan shaped manner. Fat is said to be rich source of stem cells and sustained effect of these cells helps in new vessel formation and elastic fiber development (akin to stem cell therapy/mesotherapy). This is combined with IAL rejuvenating system and laser skin rejuvenation.
Duration of Procedure : 10 minutes to 30 minutes depending on area
Anesthesia : No anesthesia is needed. You will feel minimal or no discomfort
Recovery Time : Immediate, though you may notice temporary bruising / swelling.
Longevity of Results : Long lasting