
Blepharoplasty (Correction of Eeyelid Bags)
Blepharoplasty is Cosmetic Surgery procedure Correcting the deformities and defects around the Eye Region.
Eyelid puffiness (eyelid bags), drooping upper lids or wrinkles around the eyelids can make you appear tired, sad or older than you are. These can very well be corrected with cosmetic procedures like blepharoplasty with or without fat grafting.
To correct drooping eyelids or puffy bags below the eyes. If skin of upper eyelid sags and blocks the vision, the procedure can improve the field of vision.
Procedure of Blepharoplasty : The incision is made in natural crease of the eyelid. The bulging fat is either excised or repositioned, excess skin / muscle is excised and the incision is closed. Resultant scar is invisible. In scar less / stitch less blepharoplasty transconjuctival approach is used.
For smaller eyelid bags, non-surgical way in the form fat grafting gives excellent results and leads to tremendous improvement in under eye dark circles too.
Duration of Procedure : 1-3 hrs
Anesthesia : General or local with sedation
Recovery Time : Back to work in 5-10 days.Mild swelling may extend for few days
Longevity of Results : Lasts several years and even can be permanent